Sunday, 12 April 2015


Now a days weight loss is supposed to be a very big concern having too much body fat gives invitation to innumerable diseases like heart disease,liver problem,diabetes etc.There are many diets recommended to lose the stubborn fat.Once I was also searching for such diet plan and you won't believe what amazing thing I came across,it is "olive oil" 
Olive oil helps to lose the body weight,I know you want to know how?So here is the answer-
If we replace the saturated fat in our diet with MUFA rich olive oil it will make you fuller for long and we eat less,their is reason behind this and it is the smell of olive oil,research had been conducted and it is found that when we smell olive oil the concentration of hormone serotonin increases in our blood and this will leads to satiety.

Moreover it is also believed that olive oil helps in body metabolism and hence helps to burn the stubborn fat but as olive oil is higher in calories it is suggested to be taken in small quantities say 1-2 teaspoon only. Having olive oil complimented with set of physical workout leads to shade the extra weight, so eat healthy and stay healthy. :)

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