The Olive Tree
origin of the olive tree is lost in time, coinciding and mingling
with the expansion of the Mediterranean civilisations which for
centuries governed the destiny of mankind and left their imprint on
Western culture.
leaf fossils have been found in Pliocene deposits at Mongardino in
Italy. Fossilised remains have been discovered in strata from the
Upper Paleolithic at the Relilai snail hatchery in North Africa, and
pieces of wild olive trees and stones have been uncovered in
excavations of the Chalcolithic period and the Bronze Age in Spain.
The existence of the olive tree therefore dates back to the twelfth
millennium BC.
wild olive tree originated in Asia Minor where it is extremely
abundant and grows in thick forests. It appears to have spread from
Syria to Greece via Anatolia (De Candolle, 1883) although other
hypotheses point to lower Egypt, Nubia, Ethiopia, the Atlas Mountains
or certain areas of Europe as its source area. Caruso for that reason
believed it to be indigenous to the entire Mediterranean Basin and
considers Asia Minor to have been the birthplace of the cultivated
olive some six millennia ago. The Assyrians and Babylonians were the
only ancient civilisations in the area who were not familiar with the
olive tree.
the area that extends from the southern Caucasus to the Iranian
plateau and the Mediterranean coasts of Syria and Palestine (Acerbo)
to be the original home of the olive tree, its cultivation developed
considerably in these last two regions, spreading from there to the
island of Cyprus and on towards Anatolia or from the island of Crete
towards Egypt.
the 16th century BC the Phoenicians started disseminating the olive
throughout the Greek isles, later introducing it to the Greek
mainland between the 14th and 12th centuries BC where its cultivation
increased and gained great importance in the 4th century BC when
Solon issued decrees regulating olive planting.
the 6th century BC onwards, the olive spread throughout the
Mediterranean countries reaching Tripoli, Tunis and the island of
Sicily. From there, it moved to southern Italy. Presto, however,
maintained that the olive tree in Italy dates back to three centuries
before the fall of Troy (1200 BC). Another Roman annalist
(Penestrello) defends the traditional view that the first olive tree
was brought to Italy during the reign of Lucius Tarquinius Priscus
the Elder (616 - 578 BC), possibly from Tripoli or Gabes (Tunisia).
Cultivation moved upwards from south to north, from Calabria to
Liguria. When the Romans arrived in North Africa, the Berbers knew
how to graft wild olives and had really developed its cultivation
throughout the territories they occupied.
Romans continued the expansion of the olive tree to the countries
bordering the Mediterranean, using it as a peaceful weapon in their
conquests to settle the people. It was introduced in Marseille around
600 BC and spread from there to the whole of Gaul. The olive tree
made its appearance in Sardinia in Roman times, while in Corsica it
is said to have been brought by the Genoese after the fall of the
Roman Empire.
growing was introduced into Spain during the maritime domination of
the Phoenicians (1050 BC) but did not develop to a noteworthy extent
until the arrival of Scipio (212 BC) and Roman rule (45 BC). After
the third Punic War, olives occupied a large stretch of the Baetica
valley and spread towards the central and Mediterranean coastal areas
of the Iberian Penisula including Portugal. The Arabs brought their
varieties with them to the south of Spain and influenced the spread
of cultivation so much that the Spanish words for olive (aceituna),
oil (aceite), and wild olive tree (acebuche) and the Portuguese words
for olive (azeitona) and for olive oil (azeite), have Arabic roots.
the discovery of America (1492) olive farming spread beyond its
Mediterranean confines. The first olive trees were carried from
Seville to the West Indies and later to the American Continent. By
1560 olive groves were being cultivated in Mexico, then later in
Peru, California, Chile and Argentina, where one of the plants
brought over during the Conquest - the old Arauco olive tree - lives
to this day.
more modern times the olive tree has continued to spread outside the
Mediterranean and today is farmed in places as far removed from its
origins as southern Africa, Australia, Japan and China. As Duhamel
said, "the Mediterranean ends where the olive tree no longer
grows", which can be capped by saying that "There where the
sun permits, the olive tree takes root and gains ground".
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